"Kichwateli" is a short film by Muchiri Njenga set in a post-apocalyptic African slum and city. This film takes the viewer on a spiritual and metaphorical voyage through a young boy's dream mixing new imagery of a young boy wondering inquisitively with a live TV as his head to show the effects of media on a young generation.
Featuring music by Just A Band (Africa's super-nerdy electronic band), Modeselektor (Berlin's breakbeat duo) and Maasai Mbili (Nairobi-based Art group) this music-metary is a metaphor for the way we are now all plugged into the same images of global anxiety while at the same time being ourselves subjects of scrutiny of the all-seeing ubiquitous cameras. The filmmaker tries to predict about a trans-humanistic world that's yet to come in the near future, where mankind will have to decide on whether to transcend or go extinct.
"Kichwateli" is Studio Ang's contribution to the BLNRB project, a cooperation of Kenyan and German artists initiated by Goethe-Institut Nairobi and Gebrüder Teichmann.
Director: Muchiri Njenga Music: Just A Band / Modeselektor / Maasai Mbili Script: Muchiri Njenga Talent: Carlton Namai Cinematography: Jim Bishop Camera: Vincent Mbaya / Chris King Offline Editor: Franki Ashiruka Online Editor: Muchiri Njenga Production Co-ordinator: Louise Mwangi Art Direction: Gomba Otieno Character Design: Muchiri Njenga Costume: Stephen Musembi Visual Effects: Muchiri Njenga 3D Animation: Andrew Kaggia Tracking: David Wanganju Additional Cast: Alexander Alaka / Godfrey Ojiambo Sound Post-production: Muchiri Njenga Camera Assistant: George Ngugi Still Photography: Kariuki Wa Wanjiru / Mike Kimani Intern: Philip Ndia Post-Production: Studio Ang
Special Thanks: Goethe Institut / Kenya Railways / X-Media / Jack Kibedi / Buni Ltd
Copyright: studioang2011